bearing suppliers f 15088

bearing suppliers

Excavator bearing

Wholesale bearings, complete bearing types, and low prices. Please contact us if you have any

Bearing model list

RefeRencias OTHERS
f 10053 540849
f 15001 TR 0506 R
f 15002 TRA 0607 R
f 15003 57414/LM 300811
f 15007 BT1B328092
f 15014 30307XR-N
f 15023 639194 Q CL7A
f 15028 JL22349/10
f 15029/L 45410 BT1B 329013 A/Q
f 15036/JL 68111 Z BT1B332541AB/Q 540484
f 15040 BT1 328227 CA/Q
f 15046 239697 Q 521471 A
f 15047 331305A/Q XGA 33211
f 15048 543562
f 15051 c 534565
f 15051 R 331933 528983
f 15054/3720 50KW01
f 15055/LM 29710 38KW01C9
f 15056/320/28 28KW0165SA
f 15063 AC 10059
f 15071 BT1B243150/QCL7C
f 15075 331958 Q
f 15076 331126 Q
f 15079 BT1B332674A
f 15080 330865C/332046AD
f 15082 330633 C 509333 A
f 15083 331075 521618
f 15084 ST 2455
f 15088
f 15089 1861071 528935 EC 10059
RefeRences d D T
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch mm inch
f 15102 40,000 1,575 72,000 2,835 22,500 0,886
f 15104 85,000 3,346 150,000 5,906 30,500 1,201
f 15109 39,688 1,563 80,167 3,156 29,370 1,156
f 15112 42,000 1,654 76,000 2,992 23,812 0,937
f 15114 70,000 2,756 150,000 5,906 41,275 1,625
f 15115 89,975 3,542 146,975 5,786 40,000 1,575
f 15116 70,000 2,756 150,000 5,906 39,800 1,567
f 15117 40,000 1,575 90,000 3,543 28,750 1,132
f 15119 65,000 2,559 150,000 5,906 38,000 1,496
f 15133 57,165 2,251 140,000 5,512 28,250 1,112
f 15156 80,000 3,150 140,000 5,512 39,250 1,545
f 15157 38,100 1,500 90,000 3,543 35,250 1,388
f 15158 60,000 2,362 135,000 5,315 37,000 1,457
f 15159 65,000 2,559 165,000 6,496 40,000 1,575
f 15165 109,538 4,313 158,750 6,250 23,020 0,906
f 15183 65,000 2,559 165,000 6,496 36,000 1,417
f 15184 62,000 2,441 147,000 5,787 50,000 1,969
f 15190 75,000 2,953 140,000 5,512 34,250 1,348
f 15193 70,000 2,756 150,000 5,906 64,000 2,520
RefeRencias OTHERS
f 15102 BT1B 332986
f 15104 ZF 0750 117 773
f 15109 4.301.851
f 15112 ST 4276 C / ST 4276 A
f 15114 ZF 0735.371.894
f 15115 580779 A
f 15116 BT1B 329012
f 15117 BT1 0097 C
f 15119 BT1B 328406 A/30314/QVB01
f 15133 NP 988748 /
NP 247732
f 15156 804358
f 15157 543805
f 15158 562830 A
f 15159 575725.F51
548866 A
Z 540669. TR1PW
BT1B 639425
Z 580616 TR1
VKHB 2280 / BT1 0084 572813
RefeRences d D T TYPE
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch mm inch TiPO
11163/11300 B 41,275 1,625 76,200 3,000 7,292 0,287 A
302 08 Bf 40,000 1,575 80,000 3,150 7,750 0,305 A
302 10 Bf 50,000 1,969 90,000 3,543 8,750 0,344 A
331 13 Bf 65,000 2,559 110,000 4,331 13,000 0,512 A
34300 / 34478 B 76,200 3,000 126,106 4,965 24,608 0,969 A
65237/65500 B 60,325 2,375 127,000 5,000 16,670 0,656 A
f 15108 21,986 0,866 45,000 1,772 6,500 0,256 A
f 15161 45,000 1,772 110,000 4,331 29,250 1,152 A
f 15191 80,000 3,150 139,992 5,511 14,288 0,563 A
f 15192 60,000 2,362 130,000 5,118 12,250 0,482 A
f 15196 25,000 0,984 54,000 2,126 9,250 0,364 A
f 15198 31,750 1,250 62,000 2,441 7,938 0,313 A
LM 67048/LM 67010 Ba 31,750 1,250 58,877 2,318 6,833 0,269 A
M 88043/M 88010 B 30,162 1,187 68,262 2,687 8,730 0,344 A
JHM 803148/JHM 803113 B 45,000 1,772 90,000 3,543 9,000 0,354 A
HM 807046/HM 807010 BT 50,800 2,000 104,775 4,125 12,000 0,472 A
RefeRences d D T TYPE
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch mm inch TiPO
L 29002/L 33492 77,000 3,031 127,990 5,039 30,600 1,205 B
L 29002/L 29001 77,000 3,031 128,064 5,042 37,600 1,480 B
RefeRences d D B C C
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch
U 298/U 261 L 35,000 1,378 65,000 2,559 20,600 0,811 14,000 0,551 17,000 0,669 18,100 0,713
U 298/U 261 L +cOLLaR 35,000 1,378 65,000 2,559 20,600 0,811 14,000 0,551 17,000 0,669 18,100 0,713
U 399/U 360 L 39,688 1,563 73,025 2,875 22,098 0,870 15,265 0,601 18,500 0,728 19,395 0,764
U 399/U 360 L +cOLLaR 39,688 1,563 73,025 2,875 22,098 0,870 15,265 0,601 18,500 0,728 19,395 0,764
U 399/U 365 L 39,688 1,563 79,967 3,148 22,098 0,870 15,265 0,601 20,091 0,791 19,395 0,764
U 399/U 365 L +cOLLaR 39,688 1,563 79,967 3,148 22,098 0,870 15,265 0,601 20,091 0,791 19,395 0,764
U 497/U 460 L 45,000 1,772 80,000 3,150 26,000 1,024 18,400 0,724 22,000 0,866 24,000 0,945
U 497/U 460 L + cOLLaR 45,000 1,772 80,000 3,150 26,000 1,024 18,400 0,724 22,000 0,866 24,000 0,945


RefeRences d1 D c r1/r2 min ß POsiTiOn
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch mm inch POsiciÓn
6 * * 44,450 1,750 9,525 0,375 15 * 2
6 ce * * 49,146 1,935 19,050 0,750 Esp. * 2
13 c * * 49,225 1,938 11,509 0,453 15 * 2
14 Xs * * 57,092 2,248 17,094 0,673 20 * 2
5 Bc 28,313 1,115 * * * * * 25º 24´ 1
11 Bc 33,297 1,311 * * * * * 29º 58´ 1
35 Bc 43,655 1,719 * * * * * 31º 52´ 1
RefeRences d B eQUiVaLences
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch eQUiVaLencias
f 15101 28,000 1,102 32,000 1,260 Zf 0750 117 562
f 15110 32,000 1,260 29,500 1,161 TiMKen JXc 25662 c
f 15111 55,000 2,165 29,800 1,173 sT 4276 c/a
f 15113 50,000 1,969 41,275 1,625 OeM 017 981 51 05
f 15131 38,100 1,500 29,771 1,172 TiMKen nP 457202
f 15132 45,000 1,772 30,045 1,183 TiMKen nP 057427
f 15134 65,000 2,559 31,000 1,220 OeM a 002 981 45 81
f 15150 40,000 1,575 38,000 1,496 faG 576503
RefeRences d D T
RefeRencias mm inch mm inch mm inch
385/384 D 55,000 2,165 100,000 3,937 52,388 2,063
f 15015 41,000 1,614 68,000 2,677 40,000 1,575
f 15041 25,000 0,984 52,000 2,047 37,000 1,457
f 15042 25,000 0,984 52,000 2,047 43,000 1,693
f 15043 25,000 0,984 55,000 2,165 43,000 1,693
f 15044 35,000 1,378 65,000 2,559 35,000 1,378
f 15045 39,000 1,535 68,000 2,677 37,000 1,457
f 15050 25,000 0,984 52,000 2,047 37,000 1,457
f 15067 29,000 1,142 53,000 2,087 37,000 1,457
f 15068 49,000 1,929 84,000 3,307 48,000 1,890
f 15128 27,000 1,063 53,000 2,087 43,000 1,693
f 15129 40,000 1,575 75,000 2,953 50,000 1,969
f 15130 42,000 1,654 80,000 3,150 38,000 1,496
f 15137 27,000 1,063 52,000 2,047 45,000 1,772
f 15160 43,000 1,693 77,000 3,031 45,500 1,791
f 15166 55,000 2,165 93,000 3,661 51,100 2,012
f 15167 49,000 1,929 84,000 3,307 43,000 1,693
f 15168 49,000 1,929 84,000 3,307 48,000 1,890
f 15169 49,000 1,929 84,000 3,307 48,200 1,898
f 15170 49,000 1,929 84,000 3,307 48,000 1,890
f 15172 38,000 1,496 76,000 2,992 42,900 1,689
f 15173 35,000 1,378 68,000 2,677 48,000 1,890
f 15174 45,300 1,783 80,000 3,150 48,000 1,890
f 15175 25,000 0,984 55,000 2,165 45,200 1,780
f 15187 40,000 1,575 73,000 2,874 55,000 2,165
385/384 D
f 15015 41KWD01G3
f 15041 BT2B445539BA/VC025 FC 12025-S09
f 15042 FC 12180S04
f 15043 FC 12271-S03
f 15044 JRM 3535 A/JRM 3565 XD FC 12033S01
f 15045 JRM 3939/JRM 3968 XD
f 15050 FC12784S03
f 15067 BTH 1206 AB
f 15068 JXC 25469CA/JXC 25469 DB
f 15128
f 15129 40KWD02
f 15130 42KWDD8A
f 15137 4T-CR1-0569CS83/5A
f 15160 43 KWD 07AU42CA
f 15166 441442 D/Q
f 15167 JXC 25469 C
f 15168 BTHB 329129 ABC
f 15169 FC 40918
f 15170 BTHB 329129 DE
f 15172 38KWD04AG3CA1-01
f 15173 FC 40772 S02
f 15174 FC 40096 S05
f 15175 FC 40858 S02
f 15187 BTH 1024

Wholesale bearings, complete bearing types, and low prices. Please contact us if you have any







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